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Ton Pentre Junior School home page

Ysgol Iau Ton Pentre Junior School

Striving for success, Trwy Ymdrech Daw Llwyddiant


Ton Pentre Junior School has a distinctive uniform of which we are proud.  Accepting a place for your child here at the school implies support for the Uniform and

Appearance Policy and parents are asked to give their full support in maintaining high standards by adhering strictly to the policy.  If a parent is in any doubt about

any item of uniform, the Family Engagement Officer will gladly assist before a purchase is made.  We feel that the uniform gives the children a sense of belonging

and pride in their school. 


The uniform is as follows:

White polo shirt
Royal blue jumper / cardigan
Grey trousers / skirt
Black shoes or trainers


During the warmer weather in summer, grey shorts and blue check summer dresses are part of the uniform. 



Hairstyles are expected to be neat, tidy and sensible. 
Make up and tattoos may not be worn;
A wrist watch and one set of stud earrings may be worn (rings, necklaces or bracelets are not permitted);
Summer caps may be worn outdoors and with the peak to the front.
‘Hoodies’ are not part of the school uniform.



Please ensure your child comes to school with a suitable waterproof coat.  Our curriculum involves pupils working outside whatever the weather. 

There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing!


PE Kit

It is essential that pupils are correctly equipped for P.E. and that they wear their PE kit to school on their PE days.  The PE kit is as follows:

Black or navy shorts/ joggers 
A plain white T Shirt
Black trainers or plimsolls

Please note for health and safety reasons, no jewellery is to be worn to school on PE days. 


If your child has a verruca, plimsolls must be worn at all times.


Many items of clothing are lost in school every term.  Please help by putting your child’s name on all school clothing.