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Ton Pentre Junior School home page

Ysgol Iau Ton Pentre Junior School

Striving for success, Trwy Ymdrech Daw Llwyddiant


The schools’ Admission policy is that of the Local Authority.  RCT Local Authority controls and administers the entry of children to our school.  This is the case for all maintained schools in our authority.  Full details and explanations are laid out  below.  


Admittance to this school follows the LA Admissions Policy.  Children are admitted to the school in the September following their seventh birthday.  Nearly all of the children from Ton Pentre Infants School transfer to us in Year 3. 


For children who arrive at our school at a later stage in their school life, we will endeavour to accommodate them in the correct class for their age. We will assign the child a ‘buddy’ to aid their successful integration into school life, and will have a regular dialogue with the child and parents to smooth the transition process from their previous school to our own.


Parents are encouraged to visit the school prior to making an application for their child; you can be assured of a warm welcome.


To contact the School Admissions Team please ring 01443 281111 or e-mail

In Year Admissions and Transfers Form