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Ton Pentre Junior School home page

Ysgol Iau Ton Pentre Junior School

Striving for success, Trwy Ymdrech Daw Llwyddiant

Late/Absence Procedures

It is important that children come to school regularly and on time.  Attendance at school is crucial to a child’s all round development.  Children who are absent from school regularly are unlikely to achieve their full potential.


If a child is absent from school the parent/carer should notify the school promptly of the reason by telephone in the first instance – there is a messaging service on the school telephone system allowing you to report your child’s absence. 


To report a pupil absence, please telephone the school on 01443 435436 and select Option 1. 


The school also operates a ‘First Response System’ and parents will receive a text if their child is absent and we have not been informed.  An absence must be counted as unauthorised if no explanation is given.


School starts at 8.50a.m. Children who arrive after this time must report to the main entrance. Any child arriving before 9.20a.m. will be marked as late. If a child arrives after 9.20 a.m. they will be marked as an unauthorised absence for the morning session, although they are present in school.  Punctuality is a vital life skill and it is important that children are encouraged to develop this.  Late arrivers often miss the beginning of lessons and find it difficult to catch up.  They also disrupt the learning of other pupils in the class.


If your child needs to leave early for any reason, please contact the school explaining the situation. No child will be allowed off the school premises during school hours unless accompanied by an adult or we have received a text message from their parent/ carer.


No child should be brought or picked up from school by anyone under the age of sixteen.